Other blogs

Páramo woolly baby donkey in Chimborazo, Ecuador
Páramo woolly baby donkey in Chimborazo, Ecuador (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Please note:

Due to a technical error on the old blog sites the links to these previous blogs can no longer be accessed. I shall be reblogging those I can access on this site, using the tag #wibsite, starting in April 2018.

I have, or have had, other blogs.

My latest venture is as webmaster of the Kirklees Autism Group and its website AutusmKirklees@org.uk

The Adventures of Xote is the blog of my plush stuffed toy donkey. When I leave the computer on the toy donkey posts his own blog, mostly impressions on places or events we have visited. As far as I am aware this is the best blog written by a toy plush donkey on the web…

…unless you know differently, please let me know.

I ran that blog site alongside this one but at the time it was taking up too much time, so in order to concentrate on this blog and work full time I merged the two sites.

making an ass of myself (link no longer working) is the old version of this blog. Posted on The Wibsite, which was a blogging community many of whom were people who post on, or have posted on the Forum Ship of Fools. Unfortunately the Wibsite was closed down in May 2013 due to bandwidth problems and spam. It was attracting a LOT of spam. The Wibsite still exists in an archived form, but all images, all replies and the ability to reply have been stripped away.

These archived blogs also include earlier articles from St Pixels, when it had a blogging facility. I started blogging after an accident in 2006 under the subheading Diary of an Accident Victim. These are all preserved on the old Making an ass of myself blog above. St Pixels is an experimental online church which presented services on most days on a Facebook app, now gone, has a Facebook page, The blog page which had been archived is also gone.

I hope to eventually republish the accident recovery blogs on this site.


Before that I had two attempts at starting a blog using the Blogspot site. This is all I posted there:

The first attempt was called Balaam’s Stable and had the tagline Random thoughts and insanity. It contained two posts

Tuesday, October 28th, 2003

Opening a new blog, what to say except I saw a button on the Google taskbar and followed it here.

More to follow. . .

Thursday, October 30th, 2003

Visited the Yorkshire Sculpure Park with daughter and friend, who are studying for GCSE Art.

The out of doors sculptures are at their best against the reds, golds and browns of Autumn.

If I knew how to publish pictures online I would.


The second attempt, From the Stable had one post.

Wednesday, December 31st, 2003

That cat is trying to kill me.

The other day, coming down stairs I stepped on the cat. Not deliberately, but with bi-focals I find it hard to see anything on the steps.

The upshot is that the cat shot up to the top of the stairs and hid in a bedroom.
The downshot is that I fell to the bottom of the stairs, fortunately feet first, landing on my elbows on every step. Whoever called it a funny bone had a sick sence of humour. The first hit makes it tingle, all further hits are just painfull.

Still nothing broken. The cat’s OK too, but it regards me with suspicion.

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