The need for discernment — Matthew 17:19–23

The glory of Jesus — part 5 40 blogs of Lent — day 32 intro There are 5 times that Jesus uses mustard seeds in his teaching. Three are where he, using hyperbole as emphasis, talked about the smallest of seeds growing into the largest of trees (Matthew 13:31–32 and parallel passages in Mark and Luke). …

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Going up

The meaning of the ascension It all changed here The ascension could be the forgotten feast of the Christian church, hidden as it is on a Thursday between the holidays of Easter and Pentecost. It also gets lost in theology. Evangelicals centre their beliefs on the cross, others on the incarnation and resurrection, Pentecostals and  …

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Do this…

Holy Communion, Mass, The Lord’s Supper, Divine Liturgy, Eucharist. Lots of names, but one meaning, a remembering of Jesus’s last meal with his disciples. …in remembrance of me My old blog can no longer be accessed. Using the Wayback Machine I am trying to save whatever can be saved, There are no images available …

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