Something to celebrate

Roots: Habits for fruitful 4:
Worship and Celebration

Holy Trinity Church, Huddersfield, Sunday 10 February 2019

east window detail

I was playing the percussion at the 10.45am service so I may not remember all that was said in the sermon about worship and celebration as I was involved in leading worship and celebration myself. The most memorable part of the sermon was when in the middle of the talking there was a pause, but no silence. The voices of children singing elsewhere in the building could clearly be heard. Very apt.

We had something to celebrate too. Bev, one of our Lay Readers* has been suffering for the last few months from aggressive cancer and was due to start chemotherapy today (Monday). Checks this week showed the chemo will not be needed, she is clear.

After that going into the details of the sermon would be an anti-climax.

*Lay Reader is a term going back to a time when most people were illiterate, their job back then was to read the Bible to people. Today the job is more general, but still unpaid.

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